Al Tahadi Travel and Tours

GlobalStar Jordan

In Jordan, GlobalStar is represented by Al Tahadi Travel and Tourism

In the 1950’s Qirem Group began in the  construction industry, and then continued to expand throughout the years into additional countries and other sectors including manufacturing and education. In 2004, Qirem Group ventured into the travel industry as a holding company for Al Tahadi Travel and Tours who rapidly became a leader within the Jordanian market.

Armed with the knowledge of how to maintain a solid infrastructure while employing youthful minds, Al Tahadi is able to thrive in the face of globalisation and the continuously updated technology within the travel industry. Expanding the company into every imaginable area of the travel industry has only given Al Tahadi more leverage within the market.


Client Satisfaction

Industry Awards Won


Typical Fare Savings

Al Tahadi GlobalStar Jordan Service Offering

Business Travel

No matter the strategy or business, it must be tailored to suit different market conditions in order for it to work and travel is no different. With the local knowledge and expertise of Al Tahadi partners, and corporate, we have introduced a corporate programme to the degree of control that clients require.


In order to become a successful travel agent, individuals should possess more than outstanding communication skills and a solid grasp of the world’s geography. People are using the internet to get information about vacations and travelling, which is slowly lessoning the demand for services provided by travel agents. As a result, Al Tahadi only hires the most qualified agents to guarantee the authenticity and speciality of services, we use both methods, online and offline to gain the best services and rates

Consolidation Business

Proven to be the number one Jordanian consolidator in terms of BSP (Billing and Settlement Plan) sales records. Having consistently maintained financial stability, Al Tahadi has no default status with IATA (International Air Transport Association) records in a decade of participation.

Online Solutions

( Clicktobook is a Jordanian entity born to satisfy the new needs of the tourist market regionally and Globally it provides an online booking system that is simple and intuitive, that requires only a few clicks to search, quote and book services such as: tickets, hotels, tours, activities, excursions, transfers and car rentals

Visas Centre Services

Our dedicated visa centre will assist in obtaining visas worldwide in addition to travel insurance policies.

GSA Department & Airlines Representation

Staff with Airline Background with Sales & Marketing Report Audit, our department has a wide experience in Load Sheets, Aircraft Types, RBD’s, Fares …Etc, GSA Office Spot Checks and mystery Shopper experience Evaluation.

GlobalStar has representation in over 55 countries

Working only with the best in the business, GlobalStar is made up of a network of hand-selected, highly experienced and skilled Travel Management companies that meet our stringent entry requirements and share our passion for delivering the highest levels of customer service.

Click on the map to view all locations on the main GlobalStar website and find out more about the organisations that we work with across the globe.

Al Tahadi Key Personnel

Eyad Ali Elqirem

Eyad Ali Elqirem


Jordanian businessman with a distinguished investment portfolio for over 20 years. In addition to his diversified experience in the travel and tourism industry, Eyad El Qirem leveraged his extensive investment experience and channeled it to found Al Tahadi Travel group 12 years ago. He is associated with several managerial positions in numerous sectors locally, regionally and globally.
Mousa Abu Dhaim

Mousa Abu Dhaim

Financial & Administrative Manager

More than 12 years in the travel industry field.
Hasan Alteibe

Hasan Alteibe

GSA & Marketing Manager

10 years of GSA & Marketing experience in Jordan & Saudi Arabia.
Waleed Rumaneh

Waleed Rumaneh

Tourism Manager

15 years of experience in Corporate Sales in addition to Inbound & Outbound experience.

Contact Us

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If you’d like to find out more about GlobalStar or Al Tahadi Travel and Tourism, please get in touch. You can use the contact form opposite or the following details:

Address: Abdul Hamid Shumani St. Bld no. 7 –  Al Shmisani – Amman, Jordan

Phone: +962 6 567-3333 Ext. 112 / 114

Al Tahadi Travel and Tours

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