White Papers, How To papers and Business Travel In papers - resources for business travel professionalsWHITE PAPERS
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SHRINK THE PLANET – How to Globalise your travel programme for SMEs
Based on industry research from 194 travel category managers, 152 of those coming from programmes with less than US $30 million in annual travel spend, our white paper provides a snapshot of SME travel programmes today and explores the benefits of taking SME programmes multinational, including risk mitigation, compliance, savings, administrative efficiencies, and an improved traveller experience.
To download our thought leadership publications, simply fill in the appropriate request form and submit. You’ll immediately receive a download link via email, giving you secure access to your chosen White Paper.

How To Implement Change Change Powerfully and Successfully
Whether you are considering a small change to your travel policy, the introduction of a new online booking tool or a change of Travel Management Company it is common to face resistance causing you to feel uneasy and intimidated by the scale of the challenge.

How To Optimize Your Online Adoption Effectively
Whether you would like to achieve more cost savings, develop more efficient processes, or improve the end to end booking experience, we present eight easy steps for ensuring a successful online adoption into your global or regional travel management policy.

How To Safeguard Your Female and LGBTQ+ Travellers
The legal requirement to provide a duty of care to your business travellers is widely understood. However, one in four female business travellers have suffered a negative incident when travelling on business, half of which were related to sexual harassment and in some countries, being homosexual could put you at risk of arrest and potentially even a sentence of death. By avoiding gender specific conversations with your travellers, you could be putting them at risk.

How To Create and Enforce an Expense Policy that works
Corporate travel and expense policies have long been a hot-button issue for HR departments. On one side, travelling employees want to be able to choose the airlines and hotel chains where they have high status, or select flights and lodgings that are more convenient for them. On the other side, CFOs and corporate controllers are focused on managing cost and minimising unnecessary spend. This How To Paper will provide you with insight in how to manage this potential conflict.
To help you navigate local market nuances our ‘’Business Travel In’’ papers provide a high-level country overview and explain the specifics of Business Travel in a number of key countries around the world. In collaboration with in-country experts, we will publish a new “Business Travel In” paper every quarter.
From logo files to style guides, ensure your use of the GlobalStar Travel Management brand is accurate by downloading the correct assets.
GlobalStar Corporate Brochure
Click the PDF icon to download our corporate brochure, giving you an outline of the wide range of global travel management services we provide and how we can make a positive difference to your organisation..
GlobalStar Marketing Manual
Click the PDF icon to download our brand guidelines and style book, detailing exactly how to use the Globalstar Travel Management corporate identity.
GlobalStar Logo Collection
Click the ZIP icon to download EPS and JPG versions of the GlobalStar Travel Management logo. Please read our accompanying Brand Manual to ensure you use the logos correctly.